Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Brothers and Birthdays

All right, tomorrow is August 16th. On that same date 18 years ago I received a partner in crime, a best friend, a springboard, an ally, and a ridiculous amount of inside jokes that defy explanation. In other words, I got my brother. To have your little brother be turning 18 is both exciting and terrifying. On one hand, it means I’m an old lady. It seems like just yesterday I was the one turning 18. But now that it’s my four-years-younger bro means I’m officially on the decline. Kidding, kidding. But still, where does the time go?  This momentous date also means that my baby brother, the one my friends and I would convince to play “waiter” with us just to exploit his services, isn’t a kid anymore. He’s gone and grown up on me. Batman shooters, daring and espionage-like activities involving horse halters and the old lady next door, blanket rides, couch cushion diving from terrific bunk-bed heights; life was pretty much a party. But somewhere along the way, I blinked, and hot-wheels and Lego’s got traded in for the real thing. Now he’s obsessed with actual cars.  And that tendency to not follow the instructions on how to build the Star Wars Lego, which my 12 year old self found ridiculously cocky, has blossomed into a innovated and creative spirit that can build and “herb-job” just about anything.  

He’s the polar opposite of me and also an intrinsic part of me. So Ben, I want you to know that I am so proud of the man you are becoming. I want you to know that you really are one of my best friends, and always will be. I know God has such a plan for you, and I can’t wait to see Him use you as you continue to grow, both in body and in spirit. I’m betting you’re not going to get that much taller though, but don’t sweat it. Height is over-rated. You bring out and know a part of me that no one else does, and being around you has been, 9 times out 10, some of the best times I’ve ever had. So below I’ve provided a summary of WHY I’m so glad we’re related, as the first part of your birthday present (even though you made me buy my own birthday present last year. And no, you will never live that down):

  • Hours spent in my room working on project “Minty Hippo” (I feel like it’s also worth mentioning how awesome it is that we called it minty hippo. He’s the Master of Disguise!)
  • Your amazing craft skills: laughing so hard that you couldn’t cut a straight line and thus I couldn’t trust you with scissors
  • Sharing pretty much every internet discovery or movie – no matter how ridiculous. Laughing hysterically just isn’t the same by yourself, I’m glad I had you to share in the revelry, particularly when watching Crabstickzs accents, Jon Benjamin has a Van, and Jeff and Peanut, to name a few.
  • Being at least SORT OF willing to try and jam with me on the piano and flexibly accompanying me with both the melodica and ukulele.
  • Being a Whovian as much as I am.
  • Making me laugh with your accents, jokes, and all around good-natured behavior. Usually ;)
  • Helping me in the kitchen, particularly the 6+ hours of baking that went on with that anniversary cake masterpiece that even the Greek Gods would have been impressed with.
  • Chatting in my room about our mutual love for the Dragon Reborn and speculating on the result of the Last Battle when Rand Al’Thor will finally face down the Dark One when the seals break loose, with the Ashaman and Aes Sedai at his side. Crap I just got REALLY nerdy right then… Ignore that.

I could go on and on, because after 18 years we have a whole lot of fantastic memories. So happy birthday and I think you’re turning into a wonderful young man and I feel very blessed that God decided to stick us in the same family. It may be entirely too arrogant (and we all know you’re the one with the Tony Stark reputation not me) but I think we’re pretty cool ;)

Love you.

“Children of the same family, the same blood, with the same first associations and habits, have some means of enjoyment in their power, which no subsequent connections can supply... “
Jane Austen, Mansfield Park


Travel Goddess said...

Wow...what an incredible family my brother and sister in law have raised. I've never read so much love between the lines. Love between brother and sister is a bond that is extremely strong in the best of times - I think you two have turned that bond into unbreakable! You are all awesome, wish I'd been around you more often.
Much Love and fondness for you - Aunt Rena

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